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Step 2: Improve Attention to Detail

Hello...it's Erik here again and I would like to welcome you to Step 2.

This step will continue to help you save time, improve attention to detail and shorten your learning curve for stocks basing and topping.

Step 2 is largely focused on improving your attention to detail for stocks basing and topping because that's where most stock investors need help.

Even though my site doesn't currently deal with today's market, it can help you become better at recognizing stocks basing and topping because history tends to repeat itself in the stock market.

Step 1 helped you learn how to read some of the price behaviors in stocks basing and topping.

Step 2 will help you use that knowledge to find stocks basing and topping using two (2) resources:

  1. Base Study Resources
  2. Topping Study Resources

Base Study Resources:

  • Base Categories - Helps you practice identifying some important price behaviors within a base.
  • Finding Base Troughs - Learn how to find potential base and handle troughs using a combination of 3 technical events.
  • Base Trough Reviews - Gives you historical reviews of stocks that reversed higher using the 3 technical events.
  • Group Leadership - Teaches you how to identify group leadership using one specific template/model.
  • Market Bottoms - Reviews some important technical events during select market bottoms and helps you review stocks that led the way in each uptrend (coming later).

Topping Study Resources:

  • 8 Ways Stocks can Top - Gives you eight (8) specific ways that stocks can top with some chart examples.  A few topping behaviors have 3 to 5 variations in how the featured price behavior may play out.

I know Step 2 will help you improve your attention to detail for stocks basing and topping.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Best Regards,

Erik Grywalski

Please >>CLICK HERE<< to begin Step 2 (Base Study Resources)

Please >>CLICK HERE<< to begin Step 2 (Topping Study Resources)